SAJC, Vol 5 & 6, 2011/2012
South Asia Journal for Culture, Vol. 5 & 6, 2011/20124 was published as a special issue on architecture in South Asia. It presents six essays
South Asia Journal for Culture was initiated in 2008 as a pan-South Asia intellectual forum and as the English language international journal and counterpart for the Sinhala language journal, Patitha. Though it ended its operations in Colombo in 2012, it continues now from New Delhi under the name Society and Culture in South Asia co-published by Sage and South Asian University.
South Asia Journal for Culture, Vol. 5 & 6, 2011/20124 was published as a special issue on architecture in South Asia. It presents six essays
South Asia Journal for Culture, Vol. 4, 2010 presents three main essays. They deal with the beliefs on folk healing among a Muslim ethnic community
South Asia Journal for Culture Volume 3 was published in 2009. Its main essays included a discussion on postcolonial Bombay; an exploration of the politics
South Asia Journal for Culture Volume 2 was published in 2008. Among its main essays, it offered papers on the ethnography of a wayside shrine
South Asia Journal for Culture Volume 1 was published in 2007. It dealt with the themes of orality and inscription with regard to folklore; politics
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